With summer months comes heat and storms, every house can do with a little prep work to keep you cool and protect your house from the sweltering heat. Here are a few helpful tips to keep you cool!
Check on your air conditioning.
You will want a properly functioning air conditioner to help you beat the summer heat. You can do a few simple things to make sure you are getting the most out of your A/C unit. The most basic thing you can do is change the air filters, this will ensure that you keep dust out of your system and you are getting enough air flowing. This will also prevent undo wear and tear on your air conditioner. Next you will want to clean any debris from around your vents or exhaust and clean off any dirt from the main unit. If your unit isn’t working properly it may be time to call a professional to come take a look.
Ventilation leaks.
If your air conditioner is operating properly you will want to make sure all that cold air is staying inside your house. You will want to check around for any drafts coming in through windows and doors. Any leaks you find can be fixed with some caulking and weather stripping. You should also check your attics insulation and make certain that your insulation is not compacted and you have full coverage. This will help prevent the heat from the roof heating up your house and over working you’re A/C.
Reverse the Ceiling Fans.
If your house has ceiling fans then a quick, simple, and inexpensive way of cooling the house is to reverse the fan so it turns counterclockwise. This will push cool air down towards the floor, further reducing your need for the A/C.
Protect the outdoor wood.
If you have outdoor wooden furniture, decks, fencing, or siding, then keep in mind that the sun can be just as harsh as any other outdoor elements. The summer months are a great time to take the steps to protect the outdoor wood you have. That means you may want to consider either a wood stain or a nice paint job to protect your outdoor wood surfaces from the elements.
Deep Clean your BBQ.
Summer is also a time for family and friends. So why not give your bbq a deep clean and invite your family and friends over to enjoy a nice meal!